Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Money matters forever!

As hard as this may be for so many people to take the reality is that money does matter and whats more it matters more to the people who get more.for example,a millionaire would care more for money and how to get more than a beggar would.for the beggar it si enough if he/she gets 5$.but for the millionaire it has to be much much more.

Money is certainly having a say on how we run our world.of course i am not here to give you guys a lesson on finance 101,since i would not know as much as you would like me to.but rather I created this blog,mainly so that we laymen/laywomen[to be politically correct] can share our comments on a variety if finance topics.

like recently china warned the U.S on the piracy issue.just to give you guys on why piracy is such a huge problem for the U.S or for that matter any other country when it comes especially to china,we have to undderstand or agree on certain facts first.

namely they are:

1.china is the moist populated country in the world.think billions!

2.piracy is by which local companies make knock off copies of all the software,hardware,dresses,jewellery,movies,music,and other high end products at dirt cheap prices.

3.one may think "Imitation is the sincerest form of flatterty" but not where it concerns piracy!

4.pirated products are generally available at extremely low prices,like if an original radisson watch costs 1000$ a copy in china would cost you about 100$ and in all probability you cna even bargain with that shopkeeper and bring the price further down.

So why is this piracy such a huge problem,well,say you are in china and you have easy by that i mean easy access to both the original product as well as the dupicate,and the duplicate actually saves you lots of money,which will you go for?as any human being would,the duplicate.

By the way the copies are so good that it is actually a bit difficult to tell the real ones apart from the duplicate ones.

The problem is that every government suspects that the chinese government is in cahoots with the makers of all these pirated copies.it is actually a very lucrative business for the chinese,mass producing designer items and selling it for low prices.whats more with the latest info,the demand is far out stripping the supply as nowdays the tourists are also shopping fopr copies in china.

So the U.S thinks that contrary to the agreements that china has signed with WTO as well as the U.S they are actually encouraging this piracy as this means more money for the central bank of china.the irony is that all of that chinese money is converted to dollars which are then reinvested in american companies that actually come out with the high end products that are being sold as duplicates in china.

Tthe americna accusation if you think a little about it is that they feel that the chinese government is not only not doing anything to stop the piracy going on,but are actually using the profits by way of huge taxes on such piracy and are channeling the money back to U.S investments,to the very same products,that the pirateers are selling as duplicates in China.

This way ,the Americans are feeling that the Chinese government are having the cake as well as eating it too,or to put it simply they are making a double killing!

Either way on raising this topic in the world forum,the chinese have retaliated by questioning the entire trade relationship!lets see what happens!

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