Thursday, July 12, 2007

BA drops 15%

Bajaj auto Q1 shows the companies profit down 15% but the question that every one's asking is that when India's economy is booming like never before what Can be the reason behind the slump?
With demand for more and more cars and four wheelers on the Indian roads the two wheeler segment of Bajaj auto seems to have taken quite a hit.that is not all.their exports are also getting drastically effected.although their exports may be up but with a resurgent rupee,any profits via exports seems to be lost in the translation of the Foreign Exchange.with rupee rising to all new heights against the U.S Dollar,the Bajaj auto's exports no longer seem to be all that it may make more sense for Bajaj auto to concentrate on the domestic market at home and hope that the Q2 statements show the company in a better light than right now!


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