Saturday, August 25, 2007

Gold exchange soon to tap wider in India!

Gold like many other metals has seen volatility in the prices as they swung here and there as a result of the U.S sub primes.but soon Gold will come into its own in the world markets.currently the gold exchange traded funds which opened up in India only in the recent past hopes to soon tap into the rural areas of India.
It is these rural areas that contribute to nearly 60% of India's demand for gold.currently even in Urban areas,the GETF has not taken off fully as of yet but it is soon catching up as a valuable investment.of course one wonders if the traders can make money both ways but that question will be taken up in another the moment the traders and the managers of this fund want the government to ease up the restrictions which will enable greater liquidity in these funds.and all indications are that this will happen anyway and soon at every economy develops and its citizens become richer,they always look for new and different ways to get even more wealthier.funds like the GETF will be much in demand in the very near future!

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