Saturday, August 11, 2007

Google stops selling and renting video c's!

Google has finalised plans to stop the selling and renting of video clips online due to the large number of free video clips that are already available online.of course they are expected to concentrate on video advertising now.well,that is the way advertising is headed and it is only a matter of time before we receive such clips on to our mobile phones which i am sure that google will sell as 'mobile content' to the advertisers.
Advertising has always been the top field even compared to the IT revolution for the very basic reason that people will always want to buy something or sell if you are a company that specialises in selling ad space,the chances are quite high that you will do extremely very well.translates to 'you will make a bucket load of cash'.as for those customers of Google who have already bought videos from Google,i believe that they will be refunded by Google,inc in one way or the other and soon at that!


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