Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Wall street rises on Buffett promises!

Well, the bond insurers must be feeling like the manna has started pouring, and one cannot really blame them for feeling that way after all that they have been through in the last few weeks. With the news that Buffett has promised to help ease their money problems, the bond insurers are feeling a little bit easier to breathe these days.

Not that this means that all the problems are over, but just that money has finally started to flow in a little bit to allow everyone to take a little time off. With this news, the Wall Street has started to rally. It seems that any news that is good these days seems to push the market upwards and anything that is even the least bit negative has the opposite result. One can almost imagine that the Markets have become overly sentimental as a result of the recent upheavals. Either way, the momentum for today seems to be good and one can only hope that it carries over for tomorrow as well!

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