Sunday, May 6, 2007

A puny shot for climate change!

Japan has vowed 100 million to fight climate change which is more than what the other countries are doing.but the question is "is this enough?".the answer of sourse,is that "it is not enough,not even close!"
climate change or rather the effects of it on our climate has progressed to the level that we have a big hole in the ozone layer around this 100 million will in no way be anywhere near enough to stem it.lets not forget that Japan is a very tiny nation which does not contribute that much by way of harmful greenhouse gases.and inspite of not being a major contributor to this problem they have contributed 100 million to fight it.we should all applaud what Japan has can only hope that the major contributor of the greenhouse gases,the United States wil either match the 100 million dollar fund or at the least top it.
one should also remember that money alone will not solve this problem but rather one should take the required action on the gorund which will invlove cutting down on the greenhouse emmissions by at least a huge margin to start off with and then totalll minimalising them altogether.this will take resolve and ladies and gentlemen,the fight for our planet has began with Japan firing the first salvo!

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