Monday, May 14, 2007

Reliance fresh goes "sour"

The reliance fresh shops or should i say reliance supermarkets got a rousing welcome that they are going to remember for a long time to come.the traders and the local middle men,all gathered together and armend with sticks and stones,started attacking the reliance shops at Ranchi.according to the traders thier reaction was more out of fear than anything else.they are afraid that the big giant corporate's foray into small business areas like "fresh vegetables and meat and dairy products" will cause them to lose thier livelihoods.
for many people in the United States,this scene may be familiar with many dad and mom shops rebelling against the ever prevading presence of the giants like the "Walmart".and ironically,Walmart is facing opposition here in India as well.the dad and mom traders are already finding it hard to compete with local supermarket chains like the "foodworld","vitan" and "reliance" and now throw in "Walmart" and the situation gets even more strenous for the small traders.the traders are already under an enormous pressure and the opening of the reliance shops may have just been the last straw that broke the traders back!

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