Friday, May 4, 2007

Time to get going paulie!

Finally the IMF board have hinted that they are going to find against paul wolfowitz.maybe at last the integrity of such an austere board as the IMF can be maintained inspite of paulie playing the wolf in the hen is indeed time for paul to say goodbye.even if he had not done anything wrong in the eyes of the common man he is guilty of carrying out an affair and then trying to cover it up.
of course we are not saying that paul is guilty but as any bankers know,bankers in general,must be above reproach in all matters especially when they are holding the high office in a body as the IMF.where will paul go to from here?maybe he will take the clinton lesson and say that it was not his fault and it was all a big conspiracy.check out the link.either way ,he may also write a bio of his time in the IMF.the tale of "sex,lies and bank strikes".Paul we shall indeed miss you for you made a boring institution like the IMF seem a lot more intresting!

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