Friday, January 11, 2008

Oil rebounds again inspite of fears of recession!

Oil rebounded today in spite of the fears of the U.S recession. It is the fear that a recession hit United states, may no longer demand that much of the 'Liquid gold' and may also start rationing the fuel out as it did in the past. It was that fear that drove the price tag down and gave a breather for the rest of us.
But now, that breather is all gone and it is back to business as usual. Of course, the recession danger is still not over and with Wall street taking a real hit today, come Monday, the Oil may start to slide all over again. This Tango over the prices and the recession fears looks set to continue for some time as the Dollar goes from weak to weaker still. With Oil going up, the metal markets especially the Gold will respond by going up a few notches itself!

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