Monday, January 7, 2008

Paulson says no easy answers to mortgage woes?

When is the Bush administration going to wake up and smell the roses? The answer to that question is quite easy, answer: probably never. Especially as their attitude to the War on Iraq is quite well known. Now the United States economy is taking quite a hit and as far as the Bush administration is concerned, the economy is still strong and upbeat.

It is one thing to be optimistic and but totally another to be taking a walk in the clouds. And now, the treasury secretary comes along and tells us all that the recovery from the Mortgage crisis is not going to be easy - but then again this is something that we already know. What really gets me is that now the Bush administration is mouthing what we already know, it is high time that we saw some concrete action on the ground and by that I do not mean rate cuts. The rate cuts may alleviate some of the crisis but they only tend to make the Dollar weaker in the long run and as such, it is time to start thinking of regulating the Housing market!

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