Friday, June 1, 2007


At last the World Bank can rest easy with Wolfowitz tendering his resignation in what has been one rollercoaster season of sorts for the bank.this one man has managed to bring scandal and shame to a prestigious institution like the World Bank itself.i honestly think that it will take quite some time for the World Bank to recover its image of integrity.the facts are that the head of the World Bank had behaved in quite an underhanded fashion,very unbecoming for any banker and to make matters worse had tried to cover up and at the same time palm off the mess onto his assistants.his response for 'why he did that' was that no one at the bank had informed him that it was quite unethical to promote one's girlfriend way beyond her qualifications and to get her an enormous hike in salary at the same time.
what did he think 'unthical' meant?and when asked to resign,he refused to do so at first.naturally all the World Bank employees were miffed at the whole scenario and they were threatening to strike,a first of sorts for the Bank itself.finally Wolfowitz has agreed to resign with a 'fair' report on his performance.but i do have to say that going by what he did at the World Bank,any organisation especially banks should steer clear of "the wolf in the sheep's clothing"

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