Sunday, June 3, 2007

More money for the Realtors!


Advertising campaigns often cost the realtors a lot of money.they advertise their real estate in huge big would think that this would bring them a lot of customers but the opposite is often true.the problem is that one sees these huge billboards only when one is traveling and while we do that we rarely concentrate on the products that are advertised on the billboards.even if we liked the product,we rarely remember the contact details.but now with House4Cell all the realtors can breathe easy.this way a certian code is advertised along with the sign and all a customer has to do is to 'text' that code and he/she will receive the informatin that he/she wants.this way with Cellit Mobile Marketing the realtors do not lose out on important prospective customers and therefore they stand to gain more money!

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