Monday, June 11, 2007

U.S housing market goes LAX!

The United States housing market goes lax and this has contributed to the U.S dollar going weaker.whats more this has contributed to a lessening in the GDP for the average american in the street.this is indeed a worrying trend but let's not forget that the U.S market is still quite robust and strong.
Will the slowdown in the housing market affect the economy further?this question seems to be on everyone's mind.but if the well performing sectors of the U.S economy were to continue their sway and the U.S housing market does not slow down anymore also if the inflation were to remain low then the U.S economy as well as the U.S dollar would continue to remain lets see what happens.of course if you are in the market for purchasing a house,this would be the best time while the prices are still low and have not yet risen!

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