Saturday, November 24, 2007

The DOW goes down by 210 points!

The Stock markets all over the world have seen dramatic movements both ways all over the year but none have seen the consistent negative reading that the Dow has been giving off late. Of course, it is not the Dow that is to blame but rather the investors are fast losing their faith on the US economy. Today saw the Dow Jones decline by about 210 points and according to many analysts, we should expect more of the same in the near future. The Freddie mac news of losing nearly 2 billion$ has hit the markets very hard and on top of that we had Countrywide declare some major losses as well and to make matters worse, we had the analysts downgrade Freddie mac which by the way has also led to its counterpart Frannie mae reporting huge losses as well. The stocks of both Freddie mac and Countrywide has taken quite a beating especially with the news that there may be some liquidity problems in Countrywide in the very near future.
Things are bound to get worse before they get better but the million dollar question is 'how much worse are things going to get to?'. Well, according to most economic analysts, they are going to get a whole lot worse and that what we are seeing now is nothing much compared to what is yet to happen. Of course, no one is a Nostradamus here and as such anything can happen in the future, but the fact of the matter is that as day by day goes and we keep hearing more and more bad news, we are all losing our confidence in the American economy!

economy,united states,share markets,dollar,


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