Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The DOW surges by 200 points due to Citigroup confidence!

For a change, today saw the DOW rebound by 200 points as the news of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority investing more than 7.5 million$ in the already beleaguered Citigroup leaked out. This move is seem as a mark of confidence in the American economy and in this gloomy times, this news was indeed a welcome one at that.
But the underlying problems still remain and the investors confidence is indeed very much shaken at the very least.
So just because the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority has invested in Citigroup does not mean that all the sub prime and the mortgage disasters are gone, sadly they are still very much there. This is one mess that we all will have to run through and there is just no way that any investment in American companies is going to make that go away!

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