Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Trust that we show on product ads!

In this day and age it is nice to know that we still believe in what we see must indeed be true. But unfortunately there are a lot of others who know this as well and do their best to take advantage of our good nature. What am I talking about? I am talking about the ads that we come across online or on the telly, each and every one of those ads promising the earth and the heaven if we purchase their products.
It would sure be great if we had a site that not only reviews the products that we want to purchase but also rates them. Guess what, this site does exactly that. It reviews each and every product from provillus to the ones that promise to make you 'stop smoking'.
As you see, it is difficult to make a judgement call as we see the ads. We all need a site like this where actual people review the products and rate them accordingly. Recently I was looking at a company for a cash advance. But I was not sure if I was approaching the right company. I decided to go to this site and they managed to refer me to the right place for some payday loans. If I had gone to the wrong kind of place, their interest rates alone would have been designed to keep me in debt forever. Which is why, anytime from now,if you want to buy something, just go to the links above and check out the product or service first to see how it has been rated by actual users of that product!

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