Thursday, October 25, 2007

Do not pass go, do not collect 200$ says the U.S to Iran!

Today I thought will be just like any other day with a lot of steam from the United states and all of it directed against Iran. But today was different in the sense that action followed words , thereby leading to tougher economic sanctions against Iran. These sanctions are economic in nature and do not construe any act of force by anyone. Instead what the United states has done is to economically blackmail Iran by effectively shutting out 50% of its banks out of the international banking arena.

The banks in question or should I say under the scanner are State-owned banks Bank Melli, Bank Mellat and Bank Saderat which along with the Bank Sepah take care of more than 50% of Iran's banking requirements. Furthermore these sanctions have also put on notice any company that is either currently having financial transactions with Iran or are planning to do so. In short, trade with Iran will turn out to be a costly affair that no country would want. One does wonder what will the Russians, the Chinese and the Indians make of these new economic sanctions since all the three combined have huge business interest in Iran and as such have also invested millions of Dollars into many projects there like the Iran-Pakistan-India oil pipeline to say the least. Are these projects doomed, can Iran overcome this Economic blackmail? Visit again for episode 2 in the Iran contra Iran affair- the title speaks for itself!



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