Friday, October 19, 2007

Mortages all the way?

Whenever we need money urgently we may have to look to alternative methods to acquire loans. One of the most well used methods of acquiring some much needed cash is by way of Mortgages. We all have assets and what a 'Mortgage' generally means is that we use that asset as a collateral against a loan. Generally there are banks and agencies who forward loans against mortgages. There are also some agencies and banks who give loans by way of Mortgages to even those who have bad credit mortgages.
Those who have not paid up their earlier mortgages on time, by this I mean the monthly interest on the loan, are generally categorised as those with 'bad credit mortgages'. Those with such bad credit are also able to acquire remortgages
against the same asset, except that they may have to pay a higher rate of interest or go in for a different plan of payment altogether. This is a very expensive world and there are times when we all may have to consider 'Mortgages' as an option. There is nothing wrong with that, per se. Except when one considers Mortgages as an option then one should think about the rate of interest that is due monthly on that mortgage,the payment plan and whether the capital is a depreciating capital or not. That is, when one pays the interest every month, can we also pay a part of the loan capital as well, as this would only ease the burden as we go along. So if you are considering Mortgages as an option, please go to the link above and read all about it!

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