Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How quickly do the rich fall!

It seems that it was only yesterday that the Indian share market touched the 20,000 mark creating a history of sorts. That by itself was a bit of remarkable news. But soon the media picked on another bit of 'juicy news' in the making. They started announcing that the recent surge in the Reliance holdings in the share market has made Mukesh Ambani the richest man in the world. That bit of news was not exactly a shocker since the whole Ambani family have a fortune of somewhere around 100 million$.

But soon Reliance came out with a press release telling the whole world that the piece of Juicy news that Mukesh Ambani was the richest man in the world is all a case of 'jumping the gun'. The fact of the matter is that Mukesh Ambani is not yet the richest man in the world but with the way that the intra day trades are taking place in the share market, it is only a matter of time before that becomes a formality!


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