Monday, October 1, 2007

Great hotel reservations at the click!

This is a great site at least from my point of view.frankly every time i travel always run into problems as far as reservations and transportation is concerned.let me share my experience when i travelled to Paris, be fair,i did book my reservation but i did not think that the hotel understood me of my main grips with the French tourist industry is that if you have a famous hotel that caters to a whole lot of international travellers then they should try and make the least attempt to understand English as spoken by others.because often,the French have this annoying tendency to act as though they cannot understand English even though they may well understand it.and likewise,my reservations were not booked and my transportation problems were,let us just say that it was downright horrible.
Which is why i am glad that there is a site like this one here where we can make online Hotel Reservations without any hassle and what is more you can also arrange your transportation needs at this site.sure,there are lots of sites like this one but i am yet to come across one where the needs of the customers are attended to like here.and the customer service is so fast and they take the pains to make sure that you and your special needs are all taken care of.i have to say that this site does make quite a difference as far as travelling is all the worry and hassle about finding the proper accommodation and the perfect transportation is all taken care of.i just wish that i knew of this site before my nightmare trip to France!at least it is better to know now than never at all!right?

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