Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Fed will cut rates and soon at that!

With the subprime mortages tidal wave at last relenting most of the banks and financial institutions at last began to regain their confidence.some of the European banks were the worst hit in the credit crisis but even they are going about business as usual.the reason for this 'happy to be okay' mood is the surety that the U.S Fed will cut rates and soon at that.this was only a rumor to begin with but with weak U.S fiscal data,this is becoming more and more of a surety.
Of course as a result to the last turmoil,banks are no longer willing to help those who cannot repay.that is the bitter truth that has come out of all this.there will no longer be a 'come one,come all,take the money' policy of any bank as regards the credit issue even amongst themselves.the credit policies of various banks and central banks are being streamlined even as i post this.but come on,that is only to be expected.this credit policy would in all reality stay around for some time to come.there is indeed a liquidity crunch going on,all that matters is whether you are an orange or a lemon or just plain old sour grapes!

finance,united states,europe,fed,subprime,

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