Sunday, September 2, 2007

Small traders vs the Farmers!

Of late the retail sector in India has been getting a lot of attention of the good and the bad kind.Reliance inc had decided to open up a lot of supermarkets all over India called 'fresh'.but this obviously did not set well with the small traders who wanted such shops closed because they feared that it will run them out of business.anyway they agitated and destroyed some property belonging to Reliance which is when the UP government decided to step in and ban such reliance shops the whole controversy has snowballed with Reliance deciding to shut all such shops all across northern and eastern India.needless to say this has left the hard working farmers this time around they started agitating against the governments move and have made it clear that they want the reliance shops back as they were providing them with a much much better source of the government is caught in a fix,will it take the farmers side or the small traders side?since the farmers are many,my guess is that it will be the farmers who will have the final say on the matter,especially as they form a major part of the vote bank and with elections on the way... you know ho it goes!

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