Thursday, September 13, 2007

Aussie economy to be at 4.4%

Down under has escaped the 'subprime' massacre.the only hedge funds that we re exposed to that disaster were small to start off with so the impact on the Aussie economy was small.anyway accrding the latest IMF report on Australia,they have said that the GDP should be around 4.4% but this may come down next year to 4%.
Be that as it may,the problems for John Howard only seems to be increasing.with the dr.haneef case still pending and there will be a showdown of sorts on that and on top of this the common consensus In Australia is that they want their troops back from Iraq and Howard seems to think that they should stay there.either way in spite of the rosy picture for the Aussie economy,with the political situation worsening day by day,this rosy picture will not last for long.

australia,economy,gdp,down under,

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