Friday, September 21, 2007

Made in India - Porsche!

Porsche is all set to open up a plant in India very has recently announced its plans to set up a plant in India to manufacture Porsche for India and the rest of the makes sense since the Indian labor force is the most attractive as far as over heads go.that said,soon,Porsche and others like it will be all set to roll all over the world with the tag 'made in India'.at the moment Porsche itself is undergoing some is all set to become the majority shareholder in Volkswagen.maybe once the Porsche's start rolling off the plants in India,the Volkswagen's too will.this news is great news for the thousands of Porsche fans in India since this means that the price tag for the car will be greatly reduced as there will be no import duty.well done,Porsche!


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