Friday, September 7, 2007

Choppy week ahead for asian stocks!

With thew Fed rumored to cut rates soon at its meeting sometime on September 18th,all expectations are high that this will ease the credit worries in the market.this subprime scare is kind of like dropping a rock in the middle of the pond and to see the waves continuously washing over the market.that is what is happening,the markets are yet to settle down and the U.S payroll data is nit helping matters any bit yet.but all of that has made sure that the Fed will take action but to what extent is the question on every traders lips.
With the Asian markets bound to feel the impact of the dollar surges,the current season looks to be very volatile.with the current scenario,investors should be wary of making any sudden changes and wait for the markets to settle down a bit and see how they react after the Fed cuts rates on the 18th.

united states,fed,markets,asia,currency,

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