Friday, September 7, 2007

Oil price hikes?

With the oil prices soaring new heights is it any wonder that the crunch is being felt in all the world markets?India is no exception to this and today many of the oil companies were clamoring to the PM's office for a hike in the oil and other fuels that they provide to the common man.they have often taken the brunt of the rising oil prices and the common man for whom such essential fuel is subsidised,hardly feels the punch.but as the oil companies in India have pointed out,this sort of situation cannot go on forever and that sooner or later,the Indian public would have top be exposed to the Oil tango that is felt all over the sooner or later the government of India like all the other governments all over the world will hike the prices up,it is just a matter of time.probably this may happen sooner than later!

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