Monday, December 31, 2007

The Calculator that one must have!

From the title one may think that this is a calculator for calculating math problems and you would be partly right. it is not about math, but rather a poker calculator that one utilises for calculating the odds in a hand of poker.
This is a must have for all the serious poker players out there, I am one of them and I know that halfway through a hand,I often get confused with calculating the odds and this often led me to make some really dumb mistakes that I normally would not have.
This site is great in the way that it is designed and all, it is very easy to use and its calculator is really fantastic. With the help of this calculator, one can calculate all the poker odds that one needs to know in order to win a hand of Poker.
So if you are one of those serious poker players out there and would really love to get an edge over the other players, then you do most definitely need the holdem calculator.

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