Saturday, December 8, 2007

No go for the Hollywood writers!

Today more and more of those writers are turning to blogs and websites to earn a few dollars here and there as there seems to be no end to the Writer's strike. The Impasse continues with neither side willing to concede anything and as usual hard words are often exchanged through the very media that has been a bone of contention between the two of them. The writers want a bigger piece of the action as they often see their works being advertised on the WWW as well as the DVD releases.

I am not here to say who is right and who is wrong, but the fact of the matter is that if this Impasse continues any longer, there are many, many freelance writers who are more than willing to take on the contracts. It is high time that both these sides realise that they cannot do without one another, one one had the current writers provide a uniqueness to all the current Hollywood shows and television series that no freelance writer can bring to the table. And the writers should realise that sooner or later all patience is going to go right out of the window and soon, they are going to find themselves out of a lucrative job which may well go to the freelance writers of this world!

media,television shows,movies,writers,producers,Hollywood,


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