Sunday, December 23, 2007

The News takes a backseat to the Entertainment!

As the winter is on us, one would think that movies like 'The Grinch' would have some impact on both the big studios and the networks. But they are not listening to the common man on the street and what is more, by prolonging the Writers strike, they are only emphasising that they are in this only for themselves.
The sad part of all this is that as a result of this strike, one can say good bye to the Xmas programmes. The winter is blowing hard and cold, the blizzards are on us and the hearts of all the production houses, the networks and the writers has all become solid chunks of ice!

It is the turn of the common man to get affected now as we would soon stop seeing our favorite programmes. The funny part is that the networks are all covering up the upcoming gaps with entertainment shows which they had not telecast earlier and have all given the 'bye,bye' to the news programmes. One would think that this would be the time for the networks to come out with more programmes like Panorama and stuff like that, instead we are going to get stuck with pussycat dolls and the likes of such! It is indeed one bleary Christmas!

hollywood,strike,grinch,writers strike,television,money,finance,production houses,


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