Monday, December 31, 2007

The recruiter's crystal ball!

Would it not be great if we all were to know what most of the recruiters are looking for in the applicants and if we could get our dirty,grimy hands on a crystal ball that did just that. It seems that we, job aspirants have finally managed to do just that. The following is what the recruiters are looking for in the new applicants and I have listed them all below.

1.Skill improvement:
To shape up what ever skills that you may have and to hone it further.

2.Stick with your values:
It is always a good thing to stand up for your values and not to change them.

3.Do not burn bridges:
This is one advice that every job aspirant needs to look into. It is always better to build bridges than burn them.

4.Present like a Pro:
To be able to present oneself and to do it effectively so that a really good first impression is formed.

5.Align with your strengths:
To know what your strengths are and to concentrate on them.

6.Speak up:
This is one thing that almost every new applicant has problems with, so this is one area that they would most definitely have to work on.

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