Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Oil jumps again , this time because of Turkey!

The oil prices seem more and more exposed to the world politics than it is to the basic economics. These days, anytime there is a strike in any of the middle eastern countries, the immediate perception is that there is going to be a oil supply problem and that the 'Black gold' is going to get more rarer.
All of this is rubbish, of course. It is the case of the man who has too much, he only has too much as long as the rest of the humans want it, so consistent problems on the supply front will cause the demand to drop in the long rum and may also result in the demand disappearing altogether. Of course, this need not be the same in the Oil front, but it is high time that OPEC realises that they should make the necessary corrections to compensate for any such strikes that may take place on any of the middle eastern countries. If they want to consider themselves as a professional organisation, then it is high time that they start acting like it!

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