Thursday, December 6, 2007

The man purse!

It seems that I am still on the issue of 'Purses and Wallets', the fact of the matter is that we are all so focused on the way that we look that we can devote an entire day just looking at things which are supposed to carry our cash and then spend tons of our hard earned cash on it so that we can tot an nearly empty purse/wallet to our friends and all. It really does not make any sense in any way you care to think about it.
Now days even the Men are getting to be as equally finicky about what they want to carry their cash in. Gone are the days when a Man would just dump his money into his pocket and crumple the notes in the process. Now days, we have the purse for the Man himself and we tend to call it the Man purse. It really has come a long way since the times when only a woman was associated with the purse, these days any ad that you look at for purses and wallets will carry both the Men and the Women in it as the link above will show you clearly. The wallets are getting smaller and so are the purses and want to take a guess as to what is getting bigger all the time, you guessed it right, it is the price and today it is reaching astronomical levels!

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