Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The DOW zooms up by 250 points!

Finally the FED has managed to unify its plan with the other central banks and thereby alleviate the current credit crisis. The credit crunch is so bad that getting a car loan is in fact even more difficult than buying a car from the dealer on a standby basis. The markets reacted favorably to the news that all the central banks have managed to get moving on a common plan to alleviate the Credit crunch that is so evident in the markets today.
The DOW which had sagged unfavorably after the recent FED rate cut, seems to have finally shaken off the Bear claws and has started moving in the right direction,up. But of course, as soon as the sub prime disaster had hit the markets, this is what all the banks should have done. It has taken them this long to do what should have been done a long time back, but the investors and that includes me as well are all happy that they have finally show some backbone and have acted. One can only hope and pray that this momentum in the markets will continue on!


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