Thursday, December 6, 2007

Speak in Spanish? Book your hotels in Spanish!

Whenever we travel the language barrier is one of our biggest problems in the sense that you would not even be able to convey the most simple of requests across to the other person. It does make one wonder how the early travellers had all communicated like the case of Marco polo and the Chinese, the only answer I have for that is that he must have spent some time learning the Chinese language. Well, when we travel we do not have that much time that we can spend on learning a foreign language and as such, we often have to make do with lousy hand signals. But thanks to descuento en hoteles, now that need not be the case any longer!
Here all the Spanish speaking people can go up and speak in Spanish and make all the bookings and reservations that they want. Yes, you heard me right, it seems that the days of not being able to convey your decisions across are over, especially for the Spanish speaking people residing in the United states. And the best part is that here, you have round the clock service , where they go out of their way to make sure that you as their customer are best cared for and that you have found the hotel room that is the best one for you!

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