Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Hollywood strike explores the Gandhi movement!

The writers strike has taken a new turn with the Guild representing the writers pretty much throwing in the towel after the organisation representing the producers have walked out on them. This certainly represents the writers with a dilemma, as to whether they are prepared to cave in and go back to status quo as the producers and the studios would have them do so or to stand up and fight for their rights!

All this strike has managed to do so far is to almost cripple the Hollywood industry as we know it, most of the television shows are fast running out of scripts and soon they would either have to telecast only reruns or cancel the show altogether. At least the serials can telecast reruns whereas the reality shows may even have to be taken off the air altogether. Which is why when the Guild announced to the writers that they would be approaching the production houses with the aim of ending this strike, one way or the other, thereby bypassing the association representing the studios and the producers, the writers and the David Letterman show welcomed the decision whole heartily.

David Letterman, although a member of the association that had been talking with the writers unsuccessfully with regard to ending the strike, has welcomed the decision of the writers Guild whole heartily as this would entail that each and every production house would come to an individual agreement with the Guild. I guess, it all depends on how badly you want a new script altogether. Here is where the saying 'united we stand, divided we fall' comes to my mind. This way of striking by not working or co-operating is not new to us, I guess it all started with Mahatma Gandhi and his non cooperation movement to get the British raj to leave the Indian sub continent and I have to say that it was hugely successful then and it still is successful now. Any such movement with no violence and total non cooperation is bound to get results in the plenty. Personally I believe that the writers do deserve their just rewards and are entitled to what they are fighting for now. I hope that they do get it and that the show goes on!

david letterman,mahatma gandhi,congress party,non cooperation,hollywood,writers,strike,writers guild,


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